Thinking About Jobs

Thinking about jobs

Whether you think you know what you want to do after education, or you have no idea, it is really important that you spend some time thinking about what is really involved, where the job might take you and whether you have the skills and temperament for the role. 

Start by thinking about your priorities. Are you motivated by money or job satisfaction. Do you want to be an expert in your field or do you prefer being part of a crowd. There is a priorities and motivation questionnaire on the careers portal that can help you think about this. You may even have taken it already. Click here to have a look.

Once you have done this, it is time to start thinking about specific jobs and career paths. There are lots of places where you can get some information. The careers portal has profiles on thousands of jobs and up to date information on salaries, labour market trends and qualifications required. You can also look at iCould or the Old Monktonian Video Library (coming soon) to watch people being interviewed about their job and the advice they have for people who are considering it.

The job study book below can get you started with a structured way of comparing careers. If it still seems interesting, you might want to organise some work experience or speak to a mentor (coming soon). If it doesn't sound like your cup of tea, remember, discovering you don't want to do something is still useful!

Job Study Booklet

A printable booklet you can use to help you structure your research and record your thoughts

Job Study Online

Log on to the careers passport to explore careers, find labour market information, see your personal recommendations and record your thinking

OM Careers Library

Interviews with OMs about their careers and the advice they have for those looking to get started