Networking is a key part of career planning and development. Your network includes everyone around you. At school your network of friends and supporters can encourage you in your studies and activities or distract you. Being wise about which friends you spend time with at different times can help your studies.Â
Out of school, your network can involve parents, OMs in industries you are interested in and eventually colleagues. You can help each other with opportunities, advice and more.
Networking events organised by the OM foundation. Details of future networking events can be found in the events pages.
Learn about a specific industry or get inspired by people who have have sat where you do now. Browse videos may by OMs and parents about what they do and how you can get it into their industry.
Do you know someone who might be happy to contribute?
To offer a written profile, email who can provide you with a form.
To record a video click here for more information.
Below you'll find a database of all the offers of help we've received from OMs and Parents (only visible by Monkton students with a Monkton login for reasons of privacy). If any of these look of interest (and if none of them do, then you haven't looked carefully enough!), then get in touch with the Futures team on and we'll out you in touch.