UK Universities
Where to start? - UCAS website (The Universities & Colleges Admissions Service)
How do I apply to a UK university?
Through UCAS.
In the Summer term of Year 12, students set up a UCAS account and start to complete various sections of the online application form.
Additional information for International students applying to UK universities.
When do I submit my application?
Normally in the Michaelmas term of Year 13 .
UCAS accept applications to UK universities from September, with some courses having a deadline in mid-October (hence those applying to study Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science or any course at Oxford or Cambridge should aim to submit their application to the school by the end of September). Other applicants are encourage to submit their application before the end of the Michaelmas term. The UCAS deadline for these other courses is at towards the end of January. See - UCAS Application Deadline Dates.
How much does it cost?
For UK students going to a UK university - The annual tuition fees are normally £9,250 (in 2023) - See UCAS - Undergraduate Tuition Fees and Student Loans and Student Finance England.
For International students the tuition fees vary depending on where you are studying. See UCAS - Finance and Complete Uni Guide - International students Tuition Fees.
What different types of degree can I do?
There are a range of different undergradute degrees, e.g. BA, BSc, BEng, MEng. It is also encouraging to see Degree Apprenticeships gaining popularity.
Should I do a degree?
If you are unsure about what to do in the future why not try this UCAS Careers Quiz.
Also worth looking at UCAS - What can I do next? and NGTU - Not Going to Uni
Further advice for Parents and Guardian
Information about Studying Abroad
The University Guys - support applications to the USA, UK, Canada & Europe.
UES Education - Expert US Admissions.
USA Study (Phil Garner)
Burnett Global Education Ltd (Marcus Burnett) - Provide support service from enquiry through to enrolment on studying internationally. For students wanting to study in Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, China, Austria, Spain, France or the United Arab Emirates.
Fulbright Commission - Offers advice for UK students interested in studying in the USA.
Sports Scholarships in the USA - Fulbridge Commission, Sport USA (Craig Stock at Team Bath), Future Elite Sports & Keystone Sports (Lewis McKissick)