Life After Monkton

Life After Monkton

Twenty years ago the typical career path of an Monktonian was clear. School, three or four year degree then either postgraduate study or a place on a graduate training scheme and a job for life. The world has changed. Some estimates say that today's school leaver will have an average of 15 or more different jobs with a number of employers in a variety of sectors. Many of the jobs that these leavers will finish their careers in do not yet exist.

The ways into these careers has also become more varied. Increasingly, traditionally graduate employers are now recruiting straight school as well as from university. Apprenticeships are increasing in popularity, including for many previously graduate roles and the number of vocational courses at universities across the country is increasing.

The benefit of this is more choice and a great deal more flexibility throughout an Old Monktonian's Career. A gap year is common and increasingly school leavers are working for a year or more before deciding whether traditional higher education is right for them. The cost is greater uncertainty, the need for more transferable skills and the need to prepare earlier.

Broadly there are still 3 routes to take, university, apprenticeships or direct into work.




Coming Soon!

Gap Year

Remember that you can always take a pause while you decide what you want to do. There are many reasons to take a year (or more) out, and some reasons not to. A year out is always better when it is intentional and planned so why not have a look at the gap year page for some suggestions and advice.