Futures Passport
Futures Passport
The careers passport is your one stop shop for your personal careers suggestions and personality profile, skills tracker, job profiles and labour market information. It can even help you keep track of your careers skills, sports and activities or get help with your GCSE, A-Level and Higher Education choices.
Your account stays with you through school and after you leave and is the place to record and track everything you have done to improve and demonstrate your skills, whether it is in lessons, activities or out of school. When you leave Monkton you can get a print out with all your skills, activities and preparation in, ready to help with career choices and interview preparation.
You will have set up an account in Year 9 (or Year 7 if you were at MPS). If you cannot remember you details, try the "forgotten password" link using your school email address or contact futures@monkton.org.uk.