Harriet C (OM)

CYE Gap Year

I spent my gap year as a 'Trainee Activity Leader' at CYE, a Christian charity in Chichester that delivers fantastic multi-activity events and camps predominately for young people.

CYE is run by a team who are all Christians and seek to live life to the full and want to share that with the guests who come. As a gap year 'Trainee Activity Leader' you are fully embraced into this team, working and living alongside each other, exploring faith together and enjoying learning lots of new skills.

I earned several qualifications , including Dinghy, Kayak and Canoe Instructor! I got to spend lots of time on the water and enjoying using and sharing these skills with the guests. Another really awesome part of CYE is the friendships you make as a team and the wonderful times spent with guests. An amazing year, would 110% recommend!